16 Useful Tips For Pickle Eaters
When you may think that you are alone in struggling to get your child to try new foods, many parents have the same issue.
In fact, the study found that 50% of parents consider their preschool-age children to be pickles-eaters (1Trusted Source).
Dealing with children who are pickle eaters, especially when you are unsure of an effective and safe way to increase your child's food preferences, can be frustrating.
Also, children who are limited to only a few foods are at risk of not getting the proper amount and variety of nutrients that their growing body needs to thrive.
The good news is that there are many evidence-based ways to convince your child to try, accept, and even enjoy new foods.
Here are 16 useful tips to try with your picky eater.
1. Get creative with recipes and presentation
Some children may be turned off by the texture or the presence of certain foods.
This is why it is important to see foods appealing to your child when they get to try new dishes.
For example, adding a few leaves of spinach or kale to your child's favorite brightly colored smoothie is a great way to introduce leafy greens.
Chopped vegetables such as peppers, carrots, onions and mushrooms can be easily added to child-friendly dishes like pasta sauce, pizza and soups.
Another way to make food more delicious for children is to present them in a way that is fun and creative, for example by using the Star Cookie Cutter to make fresh fruits and vegetables in a fun shape.
2. Become a food role model for your child
Although you may not realize it, your children are affected by your food choices.
Children learn about foods and food preferences by observing the eating behavior of others.
In fact, research suggests that young children are more likely to accept new foods when others around them are also eating (2Trusted Source).
A study in 160 families found that children who saw parents consuming vegetables for breakfast and green salad with dinner, compared to children who had daily fruit and vegetable recommendations. Were more likely to complete which were not (3Trusted Source).
Try to increase your consumption of healthy foods like vegetables and enjoy food and as a snack in front of your child.
Make your home healthy and tell your children to eat nutritious foods so that you can try them too.
3. Start with little taste
It is common for parents to want to feed their children hearty portions so that they can get the calories they need.
However, when trying new foods, smaller may be better.
Giving children large portions may overwhelm them and cause them to refuse food because the service is too large.
When trying new foods, start with a small amount and present it to other favorite items.
For example, give your child some pea dish to try before eating his favorite of lasagna.
If they do well with smaller portions, then gradually increase the amount of new food later in the meal until a normal serving size is found.
4. Reward your child properly
Often, parents try a new meal by promising a sweet reward to the children or to treat them later.
However, this may not be the best way to increase food acceptance.
Using unhealthy foods such as ice cream, chips, or soda as a reward may require children to consume and eat more calories when they are not necessarily hungry.
Experts suggest that it is best to use non-food rewards to encourage food acceptance.
Just using verbal praise is a way to tell children that you are proud of them.
Stickers, pencils, extra play time or allowing your child to choose a favorite game after dinner are examples of non-food related rewards that you can use to promote acceptance of food.
5. Food intolerance rules
Although eating pickles is common in children, it is a good idea to control food intolerance and allergies as well.
While there are obvious symptoms of allergies such as rashes, itching, and swelling of the face or throat, intolerance can be difficult to identify (4Trusted Source).
Pay attention to what your child is eating by writing it in a magazine.
If your child runs away from foods such as dairy products, foods that contain gluten or cruciferous vegetables may experience unpleasant symptoms related to a food intolerance.
Ask your child if there is any food item that makes them feel nausea, bloated or sick in any way and takes their answer seriously.
If you think your child may have a food allergy or intolerance, talk with your child's pediatrician to discuss the best course of action.
6. Remember that you are in charge
Children can be very inspiring, which is why it is important for parents to remember that they need to be in control.
Pickle eaters often ask for specific food, even if the rest of the family is eating something else.
It has been recommended that parents give the same food to the whole family and children should not make pickles by making separate dishes.
Have the children sit throughout the meal and speak with them on a plate about different flavors, textures and tastes.
Serving food that includes new foods and foods that your child already receives is the best way to promote acceptance without fully accepting their demands.
7. Involve your children in meal planning and cooking
One of the most important things you can do to increase interest in food with children is to cook, shop and choose food.
Bringing children to the grocery store and allowing them to pick up some healthy items they want to try out, while also giving them confidence, can make food fun and exciting.
Help children carry out safe tasks appropriate for their age, such as cooking or peeling them or arranging food on plates.
Research shows that children who are involved in food preparation are more likely to consume vegetables and calories in general than those who are not (5Trusted Source).
Also, you will help them develop a skill that they can use for the rest of their lives - preparing healthy food.
8. Be patient with your pickle meal
Children need patience in all areas of life, especially when it comes to food preferences.
Parents should be comforted knowing that most children who are considered to be pickle eaters increase this quality within a few years.
A study in more than 4,000 children found that the prevalence of pickle eating was 27.6% by age 3 but only 13.2% at age 6 (6Trusted Source).
Research also suggests that putting pressure on your child to consume food can increase pickle and cause your child to eat less (7Trusted Source).
Even though dealing with a pickle eater can be frustrating, patience is important when trying to increase your child's intake and expand food preferences.
9. Make food fun
Creating a fun and stress-free environment while eating food is important when working with a picky eater.
When there is tension in the air, children can understand, due to which they can stop and refuse new foods.
Let children, especially young children, explore foods by touch and taste without getting frustrated with them.
It may take longer than expected for children to finish their meal or taste a new ingredient and being supportive will help them feel more comfortable.
However, experts recommend that the meal should not take more than 30 minutes and after that time it is okay to remove food (8Trusted Source).
Presenting food in a fun way is another way to get your child interested in eating.
Arranging food into figures or idiosyncratic figures is sure to bring a smile at meal time.
10. Cut distractions during the meal
Parents should create a distraction-free environment for their children during meals and breakfasts.
Although your child may be tempted to watch TV or play games during meals, it is not a good habit for pickle eaters.
Always have children sit on the dining table while serving food or breakfast. It provides stability and they know it is a place to eat, not play.
To ensure that your child is sitting comfortably, make sure that the dining table is at stomach level, using a booster seat if necessary.
Turn off the television and keep toys, books and electronics away so that your child can focus on the task at hand.
11. Keep your child out of new foods
Although you do not think your child will ever accept new foods, it is important to keep trying.
Research suggests that children may need 15 exposures for a new meal before accepting it (9Trusted Source).
This is why parents should not throw their child in the towel even after repeatedly refusing a certain meal.
Repeatedly offer your child a small amount for new food, as well as expose them to serving the food they already like.
Offer a small taste of new food, but do not force it if your child refuses to taste it.
Repeated exposure to new foods in a non-inflammatory way has been shown to be the best method to promote food acceptance (10Trustst Source).
12. Use Mindful Eating Techniques
Being mindful of your child and paying attention to hunger and feelings of fullness can lead to positive changes in your snacker.
Instead of begging the child to eat something else, ask them how they are feeling.
"Do you have room for another bite in your stomach?" Or "Does this taste delicious to you?" Such questions give the child a perspective on how hungry they are and how they are experiencing food.
This allows children to become more in tune with feelings of hunger and satiety.
Respect that your child has fullness and does not encourage eating that point.
13. Pay attention to your child's taste and texture priority
Like adults, children too have preferences for certain tastes and textures.
Understanding what types of foods your children like, you can help give them new foods, they are more likely to accept.
For example, if a child prefers crunchy foods like pretzels and apples, they may prefer raw vegetables that resemble the texture of their favorite snacks rather than soft, cooked vegetables.
If your child prefers soft foods such as oatmeal and bananas, offer new foods with a similar texture, like cooked sweet potato.
To make vegetables more delicious for a salty eater with a sweet tooth, toss foods such as carrots and butternut squash with a bit of maple syrup or honey before cooking.
14. Cut back on unhealthy snacking
If your child snacks on unhealthy foods like chips, candy and soda, it can have a negative effect on the food.
Allowing children to snack food throughout the day, when it comes time to eat, they rarely motivate them to eat.
Offer frequent meals and breakfasts every 2-3 hours throughout the day.
This allows children to develop hunger before their next meal.
To prevent the child from overeating before beginning to eat, fill up beverages or foods such as milk or soup.
15. Encourage eating with friends
Like parents, peers can influence a child's food intake.
Consuming children's food reduces the age of children who are more adventurous eaters and may be more motivated to try new foods.
Research suggests that children are more likely to eat more calories and try more foods when they eat with other children (11Trusted Source).
If cooking for your child and their friends, try adding some new foods as well as foods that your child likes.
By trying to see new foods by other children, it may also encourage your pickle eater to taste them.
16. Get help from an expert
While pickle eating is common in children, there are some warning signs that may indicate a more serious problem.
If you notice any of these red flags while eating your child, contact your doctor for help (12Trusted Source):
Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)
Abnormally slow growth and development
Vomiting or diarrhea
Crying while eating, indicating pain
Difficulty chewing
Anxiety, aggression, sensory response or repetitive behavior, which may indicate autism
Additionally, if you feel that you need a professional input on your child's pickle eating behavior, contact a pediatrician or a registered dietitian, who is a pediatrician.
Healthcare professionals can provide guidance and support to both parents and children.
If you are the parent of an eatery, know that you are not alone.
Many parents struggle to accept new foods to their child, and the process can be difficult.
When working with a picky eater, remember to keep calm and try some of the evidence-based tips listed above.
With the right attitude, your child will grow to accept and appreciate many different types of food over time